Monday 18 February 2008

How it started

The other day, someone from my institute (am working as a research scientist) sent an email around, with the following title:

Free car

That sounds interesting I thought - so I replied. Basically, the story is that the car is free to a good home ... but is broken. The head gasket - according to an expert - should be changed.

Now it turns out that 3 years ago, I had the exact same problem with my Polo from 91'. I just had to refill the cooling circuit with water every now and then but apart form that it was OK, it ran for 1000 or 2000 kilometers.

Since I've got to leave Cambridge (which is where I live at the moment) to go to Paris (which is where I am from) at the end of April, I thought - "Mhhhh, free car .... that might be worth trying".

So I sent back an email saying that I might be interested in the car.

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